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Thursday, July 16, 2009

My new goal in life

So, lately, (if you couldn't tell already) I have been obsessed with sock knitting. And have been thinking I want to be an expert at knitting socks. I've also been thinking christmas is never far enough away, and I ALWAYS run out of time before finding somethinng for everyone. So why not combine my 2 goals (1. expert sock knitter 2. have christmas presents for everyone by Christmas) into one goal??? I have been researching different techniques, styles, and patterns and am going to try and use all of these in order to knit a different pair of socks for each person in my family. My son's will be the first pair, as I am more than halfway through, and have used the toe to cuff method. My goal is to have knitted 10 different pairs of socks, each one incorporating a different technique, style, or pattern, by Christmas.


  1. nice goal! Best of luck...have you figured out how much time you need to knit each pair by Christmas?

  2. That goal was actually for last Christmas, when I had a lot more knitting time. I ended up moving in September, so that caused a BIG halt in my knitting. I did end up getting about 6 pairs knitted though from July to December. I have since re-connected with my sock knitting- yay! I'm currently knitting a pairr for myself finally using Cookie a.'s monster pattern. I had to reverse the pattern though because Im knitting toe-up and her pattern was for a cuff down.

    Thanks for commenting- your my very first comment, so I'm super excited right now! Also it was very good to re-visit "my goal in life".z
